City of Forest Park RFP Impact Fee Study


  1. A qualified consultant shall deliver an impact fee study that is consistent with the Georgia Development Impact Fee Act of 1990.
  2. Analysis report of services to be included in the impact fee program for:
    1. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space;
    2. Roads Streets and Bridges;
    3. Planning & Development;
    4. Police and Fire EMS;
    5.  Any other services which the consultant believes qualify for impact fee consideration.
  3. A fee calculation formular and proposed schedule of maximum impact fees for the items listed in deliverable No. 2, including analysis of project costs, adjustments, credits and program administrative costs for each.
  4. Analysis of the impact of reductions including appeals, reduced fees, and exemptions.
  5. Develop and draft the program administration guidelines to include:
    1. The establishment of a five-member advisory committee for the impact fee program;
    2. Required staffing to administer the program;
    3. Costs and budget to administer the program.
  6. Develop procedures and processes for creating and adopting a Capital Improvements Project (CIP) Plan including:
    1. Plan outline and contents;
    2. Steps for creating the CIP;
    3. Steps for adopting the CIP;
    4. Timeframe for updates of the CIP.
  7. A written assessment of the fiscal impact (cost benefit analysis) of an impact fee program in the City of Forest Park.

Download PDF of the RFP