Other AICP News & Info
CD ROM lending Library
The licensing agreement for the use of APA’s CD ROMs for CM is finally complete. The information and form you will need to use these products for CM purposes can be downloaded fromg the GPA website:
Ethics Session Toolkit
Staff has prepared the attached toolkit to assist APA components and members in conducting ethics training sessions in their own communities. It was posted to the PDO listserv on Thursday, October 23.
Community Planning Workshop Toolkit
Staff is currently working on a toolkit to provide chapters with guidance on organizing and hosting community planning workshops. This toolkit will be modeled after the Ethics Toolkit mentioned above.
CPC Chapter Best Practices with CM
The CM best practices document provided to us by Courtenay Mercer, AICP, NJ Chapter President can be DOWNLOADED HERE (pdf).
Sign In Sheets
Providers are required to record attendance for their CM events but are not required to use sign in sheets for individual sessions at multi-part events. For example, a chapter conference that records attendance via an online or on-site registration system is not expected to record attendance for individual sessions. If a provider does not have a way of recording attendance, however, then sign in sheets are required. We apologize for any confusion that was caused by staff’s miscommunication of this policy.
Self-reported / Self-study
Members are allowed to report up to 8 CM credits that are from activities not registered by a provider. The ability to claim these “self-reported” credits is scheduled to launch with the new system. Self-study is a term that identifies distance education products, such as online courses, CD ROMs, etc. There is no limit to the number of CM credits a member may claim from these kinds of educational activities.
National Planning Conference CM Credit Calculation
All sessions at the National Planning Conference were registered for CM credit according to the time of training provided. An hour of training was registered for 1.0 CM credits, not 1.25 credits.
Partial CM Credit
Members are not allowed to claim partial credit for an activity. Members can only log the number of credits that are registered by the provider. If your event is designed to offer the flexibility of attending a portion of the full event (e.g. attendees being able to attend one-day out of a two-day workshop, or half of a full day event), then we encourage you to register it for CM credit under the “multi-part event” option.