When the Georgia Chapter (GPA) receives a request from another organization to partner/co-host or otherwise provide CM credits for an event, the following process will be followed:
1. Application Deadline
The request will be made via the CM Partnership Policy Activity Form on the Chapter website to the Professional Development Officer (PDO), at least 60 days prior to the event. (Every effort to include GPA early in the event and content planning should be made; 90 day notice is encouraged and preferred for multi-day events.)
2. Initial Application
The request will be made via a two-step application process on the GPA website. Step 1 of the application will include the following information:
- The name of the event
- The date(s) of the event
- The location (venue and address) of the event
- The estimated number of CM credits that will be requested
- A brief description of the event, including its objectives, its relevance to the planning community, and its benefit to GPA and its members
- Marketing text that can be used on the GPA website, in newsletters, and for other outreach (maximum of 300 words)
- Website link for more information (optional)
- Upload a file (jpg, gif, png, pdf) for use in marketing (optional)
- Anticipated role/activities of GPA, including any monetary contribution requested
- A draft overall budget of the event (if GPA monetary contribution is requested)
- An acknowledgement that all publicity, handouts, and other materials include recognition of the Georgia Chapter as a partner/co-host
3. Evaluation and Approval
The PDO will evaluate the proposal and determine whether the Chapter is interested in partnership. Criteria for partnership should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
- The event must be relevant to current professional planning
- The event must be consistent with the national APA objectives of promoting the value of planning, choice, engagement, and
- The event must be open to Georgia Chapter
- At least part of the event must be eligible for CM program credits, per APA
- The event must not be at a time that overlaps with a GPA statewide
In addition, the PDO will evaluate whether the event could qualify as a partnered/co-hosted activity under the AICP Certification Maintenance (CM) program, and therefore fall under the Georgia Chapter’s CM registration “umbrella.” Under the CM program, the Georgia Chapter may be considered the “primary” partner/co-host, and therefore the registrant of a program, if any of the following conditions are met:
- GPA will receive economic benefit commensurate with their financial and in-kind contributions (e.g. a portion of the proceeds of the event commensurate with contributions); and/or
- GPA has contributed significantly to the direct costs of the program (not including consumables such as food and beverages) or the activity is principally marketed under the APA/GPA brand; and/or
- GPA has contributed significantly to the development of the program (for example, topic and speaker identification; assistance with conference logistics); and/or
- GPA is the, or one of the, primary marketers of the
Approval process
- If an application was submitted on time and clearly meets the criteria for CM credit approval, the PDO shall provide preliminary approval of the CM credit partnership, contingent upon completion of Step 2 of the application process (see section 4 below).
- If a submittal was not submitted on time, and/or clearly does not meet the criteria for CM credit approval, the PDO shall disapprove of the CM credit
- If it is unclear if the submittal meets the criteria for CM credit approval, the PDO shall send the submittal to the executive committee for review, along with their recommendation for approval or
- The executive committee shall then review and vote whether to approve or
- If approved, GPA will add the event to the GPA website calendar and begin advertising the
- Upon preliminary approval, the applicant will begin including the GPA logo on their website, email/newsletter advertisements, and other outreach materials, for the purpose of acknowledging GPA as a partner
4. Final Application
The second step of the application should be submitted at least 14 days before the event and will include the following information:
- The final complete agenda for the event. For each session for which CM credits are requested, this will include:
- Session title
- Session date and beginning and end times (the duration of each session is necessary for determining the number of CM credits)
- The names and biographies of each speaker
Upon approval of the second step of the application, the PDO will forward the information to GPA’s administrator, who will submit the event to APA for CM credit processing in order to make the sessions available to log for credits in APA’s online CM logging system.
Thanks to the Virginia and Washington APA Chapters for part of this policy wording.
Adopted by the Georgia Chapter Board of Directors, February, 14, 2013. Amended July 29, 2016, July 13, 2018, and July 19, 2019.