The GPA Awards program honors and celebrates the projects and people who exhibit innovation, excellence, leadership, and other key attributes that advance their communities and the planning field.

2024 Award Recipients

While not every eligible category received nominations this year, GPA did receive a strong total of 31 nominations across seven (7) different categories. Two of the categories received nine (9) nominations each, which marks new records for us!

We’re excited to present to you the list of the 2024 winners for the Georgia Planning Association’s award program, and encourage you to visit the link for each to learn more about the exciting work done by our members and for our communities!


Award Category: Distinguished Leadership in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Project Name:  The Macon Action Plan
Award Winners:  NewTown Macon/ Macon-Bibb County Urban Development Authority

Presented to a member of the Georgia Chapter in recognition of an individual, specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process that demonstrates an outstanding commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Award Category: Outstanding Student Project

Project Name:  Revive & Thrive: Gwinnett County GICH Focus Area Report
Award Winners:  UGA Master in Urban Planning Program

This award recognizes a student project that exemplifies the state of the practice across an array of planning fields.

Award Category: Innovation in Planning

Project Name: DNA of a Corridor Vision: Buford Highway Redevelopment
Award Winners:  HKS & City of Brookhaven

In recognition of a specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process that is a significant advancement to specific elements of planning. This category emphasizes results and demonstrates how innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods and practices helped to implement a plan.

Award Category: Outstanding Planning Process

Project Name: Clarkston Greenway Feasibility LCI Study
Award Winners: City of Clarkston

Recognizing the quality and completeness of the overall planning process.

Award Category: Public Involvement

Project Name: Clarkston Greenway Feasibility LCI Study
Award Winners: City of Clarkston

Recognizing an initiative where a region or community involves the general public in a planning activity above and beyond the minimum state or local requirements, and where that involvement contributes greatly to the final product.

Award Category: Outstanding Planning Document

Project Name: 2050 Regional Transportation Plan
Award Winners: Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia MPO

Recognizing the quality and completeness of the overall planning processIn recognition of a specific planning document/ deliverable that goes above and beyond the traditional planning document in terms of communication, graphics, storytelling, and overall quality of thought and delivery.

Award Category: Outstanding Plan Implementation

Project Name: Gwinnett Countywide Trails Master Plan
Award Winners: Gwinnett County

This award emphasizes long-term, measurable results. Emphasis on connection to the original plan; effectiveness of implementation, equity, and sustainability.

Past Award Recipients

Looking for previous years’ award winners?  Visit this page to view 2009 – 2023 award recipients.