2016 – 2020 Plan Update
This Chapter Development Plan is a five-year plan to develop and expand the efforts of the Chapter with regard to delivery of member services, professional/educational programs, lobbying, awards, communication, and more. This Chapter Development Plan is modeled after the 2015-2035 American Planning Association Development Plan.
An Annual Work Program helps the Chapter identify right-sized tasks that can be accomplished by Chapter leadership, staff, and volunteers on an annual basis. The Annual Work program also identifies a “champion” for each element who will lead the GPA Board, Committees, and members in that area. This section of the Chapter Development Plan should be revised annually by the President and/or President-elect.
The Chapter leadership includes several positions in its by-laws. Included here are the roles and responsibilities of each position as it relates to the Chapter Development Plan.
Mission of the Georgia Chapter of the American Planning Association (GPA)
The Mission of the Georgia Chapter of the American Planning Association is to provide leadership to plan and build vibrant communities throughout Georgia; advocate support for sound planning; and provide its members with tools, services, and support that advance the art and science of planning.
Chapter Development Plan Strategies
1. GPA will LEAD the planning movement in Georgia
GPA will be relevant, nimble, and at the forefront of issues and trends facing planning and impacting communities in Georgia. GPA will work to advance sustainable planning and other best practices. GPA will build the capacity of practicing planners and nurture innovation and creativity in the profession. GPA will invest in the future of the planning profession through mentoring young/emerging planners and students.
Annual Work Program:
- Host two state-wide professional development events annually (VP of Programs)
- Provide effective communication to Chapter members regarding events, planning news, legislative activity, and other relevant information. (VP of Chapter Services)
- Maintain an active legislative committee that will report in a timely manner to membership on issues facing planning during the legislative session. (Legislative Chair)
- Host at least one event in their district annually (District Directors)
- Promote the planning profession, the Chapter, APA, and AICP (PDO)
- Recognize best practices through the annual GPA Awards program (President and Awards Committee)
2. GPA will COMMUNICATE AND ENGAGE to foster quality leadership and participation in the Chapter and planning in Georgia.
GPA will promote planning successes and best practices through awards and media communication. GPA will encourage members to volunteer to promote the profession through involvement in GPA and/or local community planning activities. GPA will build champions for planning through volunteerism and recognizing elected and appointed officials.
Annual Work Program:
- GPA will work to develop an award recognizing an elected or appointed official who has had a positive impact and promotes the planning profession (Awards Committee)
- GPA will continue to build its committee structure and leadership development for member volunteers (President)
- GPA will review its bylaws to ensure that election procedures match that of APA and to clarify that board members take office on January 1 following their election (President)
- GPA will continue to improve its communication to its membership via newsletters, website content and layout updates, and social media channels and work to promote the profession to the public (VP of Chapter Services)
- GPA will recognize the volunteer efforts of Board members and volunteers with a service award program presented at the Fall Conference along with announcements of the annual election results (President-elect/Past President)
3. GPA will PARTNER to leverage resources and build coalitions in Georgia.
GPA will enhance the depth and breadth of our partnerships with allied organizations and professions throughout the state. GPA will work to foster interdisciplinary approaches to address planning and related issues.
Annual Work Program:
- GPA will develop a partner/allied organization contact list to better coordinate events to reach potential members or conference attendees, and to cross-promote other events and educational opportunities (At-Large Directors)
- Encourage allied groups to apply for the GPA CM Partnership Program (PDO)
4. GPA will ADVOCATE for planning, planning leaders, and good government in Georgia.
GPA will communicate the value and role of planning in building Georgia communities. GPA will strengthen our advocacy program at the state and local level to promote awareness of planning issues to members and elected officials. GPA will support and promote policies and practices that reinforce the value and role of planning. GPA will promote the value of our professional credentials, particularly the AICP credential. GPA will advocate for diversity (demographic) in the planning profession, among members and elected and appointed officials.
Annual Work Program:
- Maintain an active legislative committee that will report in a timely manner to membership on issues facing planning during the legislative session. (Legislative Chair)
- GPA will continue to assist planners who seek the AICP credential through training sessions at conferences and workshops (PDO)
- Develop communication tools to educate and advocate to state legislators the value of planning (Legislative Chair)
- GPA will begin a new task force to promote diversity in the profession in Georgia (President)
5. GPA will INSPIRE building great communities in Georgia.
GPA will inspire planners to be creative, entrepreneurial, and innovative in developing and promoting best practices for planning in Georgia. GPA will collaborate with academic institutions in the state to shape the future of the planning profession and its professionals. GPA will instill in its members and citizen planners throughout the state the highest ethical standards with a fundamental focus on the public interest.
Annual Work Program:
- GPA will encourage participation by students and faculty members in annual conferences and events, where research and academic work can highlight innovative ideas and best practices for practitioners and professionals. (Faculty and Student Reps)
- GPA will continue to promote high ethical standards and continue education in new legal and ethical issues to educate members of these ethical standards. (PDO)
- GPA will promote and build the GPA Planning Memorial Foundation to offer continuing education opportunities to professional planners. (Foundation Board Chair)
6. GPA will SERVE its members.
GPA will serve the interests of its members through a responsive and transparent process. GPA will work to grow and diversify its membership of professional, academic, and citizen planners. GPA will provide career path support for all members (academic, career development, retirement) through engaging programs and services. GPA will provide high-quality education programs that protect and enhance the value of the AICP and FAICP credentials. GPA leadership will ensure the long-term financial health of the Chapter. GPA will provide leadership development and succession planning opportunities for emerging and mid-career professionals. Overall, GPA will ensure the services we offer are of value to our members in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.
Annual Work Program:
- Host two state-wide professional development events annually (VP of Programs)
- GPA will continue to foster succession planning in its committee and board structure (President)
- GPA will provide information annually to its members on the financial health of the organization (Treasurer)
- GPA will establish standard rules for financial disbursements as they relate to entertainment and catering at chapter functions, travel reimbursements for Board members, sponsorships, and charitable contributions (Treasurer and Finance Committee)
- Maintain and foster an annual sponsorship program to help ensure the financial health of the Chapter (VP of Chapter Services)
- GPA will report to the APA Chapter President’s Committee Annual on meeting the Chapter Performance Criteria (President)
- GPA will continue to engage and support its Young and Emerging Professionals in educational and social events (YPG Co-Chairs)
- GPA will continue to grow its mentorship program for emerging, mid- and senior-level planners to learn from one another. (Mentor Program Chair)
- Consider Change in Membership Dues, percent-based and increase (President)
- GPA will maintain and regularly improve the chapter website and other membership communication tools, such as a digital newsletter, social media, and mobile applications (VP of Chapter Services)
- GPA will review vendor services as provided and determine if appropriate delivery methods are still relevant. (Past-President, along with a committee of President, VP of Chapter Services, VP of Programs, Treasurer, and the most recent 5 past presidents willing to serve and who still live in Georgia.
Roles and Responsibilities of GPA Officers/Board Members/Committee Members
Board of Directors/Executive Committee
- See Article VI, Section 3 of Bylaws
- Develop Chapter Policies
- Approve Annual Budget
- Approve Chapter Development Plan and Annual Work Program
- Appoint Audit Committee
- See Article IX, Section 1 of Bylaws (Executive Committee)
- See Article VII, Section 3 (a) of Bylaws, among others
- Call and Preside at Meetings
- Develop Policies in Coordination with Board
- Prepare an Annual Budget with Treasurer
- Coordinate Review and Update of Chapter Development Plan and Annual Work Program
- Represent GPA on matters of legislative affairs
- Be a member of all standing committees
- Represent GPA at APA Chapter Presidents Council
- Sign all contracts and other formal instruments
- Appoint Nominations Committee
President-Elect/Past President
- See Article VII, Section 3 (b-c) of Bylaws
- Assist President with Review and Update of Chapter Development Plan and Annual Work Program
- Assist President with preparation of Annual Budget
- Represent GPA at APA Chapter Presidents Council
- Elections/nominations committee chair
GPA Events Planner
- This is a contracted staff position with GPA; see the contract for detailed scope of work
- Overall, this position is to coordinate all aspects of GPA conferences and events
Vice President of Programs
- See Article VII, Section 3 (d) of Bylaws
- Prepare/coordinate annual conference and other conferences/events of the Chapter
- Chair the Programs Committee (See Article IX, Section 5 of Bylaws)
- Engage Event Sponsors
- Advertise the Events
- Obtain CM Credits for AICP
- Coordinate with GPA Events Planner
- Delegate other duties as needed to committee members to ensure successful events
Vice President of Chapter Services
- See Article VII, Section 3 (e) of Bylaws; Article IX, Section 6
- Chair the Chapter Services Committee (see Article IX, Section 6 of Bylaws)
- Prepare timely newsletters to inform and educate membership
- Maintain Chapter website , social media accounts, and other membership communications tools
- Provide Membership Services
- Coordinate with the Chair of the Diversity Task Force
- Engage Annual Sponsors
- Delegate other duties as needed to committee members to ensure member satisfaction
- See Article V, Section 6; Article VII, Section 3 (f) of Bylaws
- Maintain membership records in accordance with APA and Chapter guidelines
- Maintain meeting records in accordance with Chapter requirements in a transparent manner
- See Article VII, Section 3 (g) of Bylaws
- Maintain financial records of the Chapter in accordance with Bylaws and common accounting procedures in a transparent manner
- Oversee the preparation of annual tax return statements
- Chair a new Finance Committee that will:
- Oversee required audits as called for in the Chapter Bylaws, either selecting an independent reviewer or undertaking the task themselves.
- Establish and review standard rules for financial disbursements as they relate to entertainment and catering at chapter functions, travel reimbursements for Board members, sponsorships, and charitable contributions
- Assist every year in the selection of tax return preparer
Professional Development Officer (PDO)
- See Article VII, Section 3 (h) of Bylaws
- Chair the Professional Development Committee (See Article IX, Section 3 of Bylaws)
- Promote and ensure access and training for the AICP credential
- Promote the GPA CM Partnership Program
Planning Officials Development Officer (PODO)
- See Article VII, Section (j) of Bylaws
- Advise Board and serve as a liaison to local planning commissions throughout the State
- Coordinate with professional planners, GA Dept. of Community Affairs, and others to promote continuing education of planning commissioners.
Student Board Representative
- See Article VII, Section 3 (i) of Bylaws
- Serve as a liaison to the Board and all students in the Chapter
University Student Representatives
- As appointed by each school’s Student Planning Organization, be a liaison to GPA in matters relating to planning education, events, attendance/volunteering, and conferences
Academic Board Representative
- See Article VII, Section 3 (h) of Bylaws
- Advise the Board and PDO of the evolving character of planning education, trends, etc.
District Directors
- See Article VI, Section 10 (b) of Bylaws
- Provide at least one annual gathering of Chapter members within the sub-state district represented by such Director. The form of such annual gathering shall be at the discretion of the Director, but may consist of a luncheon meeting, social event, or professional development or training opportunity, among other things.
- Encourage members and communities to apply for Chapter and National Awards and Programs (ex: Great Places in America)
- Communicate on a consistent basis with members in their district
AICP and Non-AICP Directors and other Board Members
- Build Partnerships with Allied Organizations and Agencies
- Actively participate as a member of at least one of the committees (Programs, Awards, Chapter Services, etc.) of the Chapter
- Encourage members and communities to apply for Chapter and National Awards and Programs (ex: Great Places in America)
Legislative Committee
- Provide ongoing information and educational resources to members of legislative activities in Georgia
- Prepare position and briefing statements on various legislative topics affecting planning
- Testify and speak on behalf of GPA before legislative committees and other bodies
- Coordinate Chapter Representatives of the Planners Advocacy Network
Mentor Program Chair
- Implement the Mentor Program successfully
Young and Emerging Professionals Group Co-Chairs (YPG)
- Host various events (educational and social) to promote career development and networking for all members
- Actively reach out to planning programs at universities to advertise YPG events and recruit new members
Legacy Planners Group Chair (LPG)
- Host various events (educational and social) to promote career development and networking for all members
- Actively reach out to new professionals and participate as mentors in the APA Mentor Program or the GPA Mentor Program
- Actively reach out to FAICP members and retired planners to advertise LPG events and recruit new members
Georgia Planning Memorial Foundation Board
- Ensure the financial stability of the independent Georgia Planning Memorial Foundation
- Encourage members to apply for funding from the foundation for continuing education programs
- Encourage members to financially support the Foundation with monetary donations
- Educate members on the role and purpose of the Foundation