2008 GPA Fall Conference in Review
The Georgia Planning Association (GPA) thanks the City of Augusta and GPA Board Member Paul DeCamp, AICP, District 6 Director, for hosting the GPA fall conference, October 1st through the 3rd 2008. Over 270 people attended the conference.
The sessions included significant information on the latest trends in transportation, land use, housing and environmental planning in the State of Georgia. GPA awarded 7 awards for outstanding planning processes and projects throughout the state. GPA will highlight the awarded planning projects in the next GPA Quarterly Newsletter and will provide website links to the projects so GPA members can learn from these exciting projects.
We look forward to an exciting 2009 filled with multiple Planner’s Luncheons and the Spring Conference in Canton, Georgia. Please stay tuned to www.georgiaplanning.org for the latest information on upcoming events, AICP CM opportunities, job postings and other important information.