2023 GPA Spring Conference in Review

Date :: April 19, 2023
Location :: Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, Atlanta

Thank you to everyone that helped make the GPA Spring Conference a success! Over 270 people attended, enjoying a total of 16 regular sessions and 4 mobile sessions as well as networking over our lunch program by Out of Hand Theater, and the post event happy hour. We give special thanks to the 9 conference sponsors, the Programs Committee members, lunch program facilitators, our 66 speakers, and the 12 student volunteers that gave their time, resources, and talents to make the event possible.

Lunch Program

From Awareness to Action: Tools for Georgia Planners

We tried something new at lunch this year — an Equitable Dinners program. We heard from some people that were uncomfortable or emotional during the program and it raised questions for many. This was a beginning for GPA, and we hope to create a safe space for courageous conversation — for stories, for questions, for self-reflection and ultimately for broadening our understanding of the impact that our processes, policies, and plans have.

This program is designed to build awareness of systemic inequities in communities, businesses, and organizations where you serve. Participants were equipped with foundational skills to engage complex issues and used social capital to make a positive difference. The program uses dialogic and transformational principles and is intentionally self-reflective to connect how personal change significantly impacts our collective transformation.


Student Presentations

Thanks Conference Sponsors