Policy and Advocacy Committee Update – January

The 2023-2024 Regular Session of the Georgia General Assembly is underway; during the legislative session, PAC will meet weekly to stay up to date on state legislation that relates to local planning. As bills of interest are introduced, PAC will provide information, analysis, and updates to GPA members via this newsletter.
Additionally, GPA has established its Legislative Policy Priorities for the 2023-2024 Regular Session. They are as follows:
- Local Governance in Support of Home Rule
- Available, Affordable, and Attainable Quality Housing
- Safe and Resilient Transportation and Infrastructure
- Healthy Communities
- Fair and Equitable Governance
- Environmental Stewardship
These priorities will guide the advocacy positions taken by GPA on relevant legislation and partnerships with other organizations seeking to advance them. See the full GPA Policy Position.
If you wish to learn more about the PAC or get involved, please contact Jim Summerbell. The committee meets virtually on Fridays at 10:00 am during the legislative session.