Pathway to Planning Profession

YPG’s Pathway to Planning Profession conference session will help bridge the gap between the academic environment and the professional planning world through discussion between seasoned professionals and young planners / students. A panel of experienced planners will provide their expertise for making headway into the profession. The experts come from the public sector, private sector, and small and large planning firms. Young planners will learn about improving communication and networking skills, applying for jobs, outreach to future clients, marketing, community presentations, and facilitating public workshops.

The Pathway to Planning Profession Networking Event will complement the panel discussion, working to facilitate the professional growth of planners with varying levels of experience. The event will feature facilitated networking between practicing professionals and students/young planners. The networking event will involve groups of one or two young planners/students with one professional.  After a few minutes of networking, the young planners/students will rotate to another professional. The event will take place during the first half hour of the GPA reception on Thursday evening at the fall conference. This is a great opportunity for young planners and students to get individual networking opportunities and learn more about the planning profession.