Intern – Transportation Planning (Bike/Ped)
The ARC Multimodal and Livability team in the Transportation Planning Department is seeking a part-time, temporary individual to be responsible for spatial data collection and processing to support...
The ARC Multimodal and Livability team in the Transportation Planning Department is seeking a part-time, temporary individual to be responsible for spatial data collection and processing to support...
The purpose of this job classification is to review development applications for compliance with county codes and ordinances and to perform advanced professional planning and zoning...
The city is seeking a planner with experience in zoning administration and development management, on a full or part-time basis. Work will be mostly in the area of zoning administration and...
Under limited supervision, performs various administrative and professional planning duties. Supervises all current and long-range County planning. Assists with business registration and alcohol...
The purpose of this position is to offer high level staff support in Planning, Zoning, Code Enforcement, Economic Development, Administrative, and Tourism Development activities. This position offers...
The Metro Water District Manager of the Natural Resources Department will serve as the Manager of the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District (the District), a Board-led and...
Manages the transportation planning activities of an organization, division or agency. Serves as a group leader to professionals providing professional...
The Atlanta-based Director of the Office of Downtown Development will lead a flexible, collaborative team tasked, primarily, with assisting communities of various dynamics (population, resources,...
The Georgia Department of Community Affairs is seeking an Atlanta-based Associate Planner or Planner (to be determined based upon candidate qualifications) for its Community Development Team in the...