Annual Membership Meeting Minutes – 2021
Thursday, October 6, 2021 Noon
Chattanooga, Tennessee
President Daniel Studdard called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m., and stated that it is not practical to take attendance nor determine a quorum with a joint meeting format; however, we have no proposed action items for the membership. He thanked everyone for attending the Joint Tennessee and Georgia Chapter Fall Conference.
President Studdard explained the draft minutes of the September 24, 2020 virtual membership meeting would be approved by the GPA Board of Directors at their meeting later this afternoon.
President Studdard presented highlights of the budget and actuals for the top categories of annual sponsorships, spring and fall conferences and membership dues. Daniel reported that the organization is in a financially secure position. The past year was the most volatile with the uncertainty about the Spring and Fall conferences so revenues were down. Membership dipped in 2020 and rebounded in 2021. The expenses were down without in person conferences as well. This year’s Fall Conference profit/loss is to be determined. As of a week ago, our revenue balance was $59,533 and expenditures $36,021 with net income at $23,513. The bank account balance is $112,269. Thank you to all of our sponsors!
President-Elect Whitney Shephard recognized the hard work of the Executive Committee and managing the day-to-day Chapter operations and the Board members. Whitney recognized new Board members elected to start in 2022 – Amanda Hatton, VP of Programs; Megha Young, VP of Chapter Services; Marilyn Hall, Secretary; Erin Thoresen, District 3 Director. Whitney recognized the re-elected returning Board members: Sidney Douse, Treasurer; Karl Smith-Davids and Robert Herrig, Non-AICP Directors-at-Large; Jon West, Planning Official; Juliane Meadows, District 1; Mary Huffstetler, District 5; Allison Slocum, District 7 and Ebony Simpson, District 9 Directors.
Whitney presented Service Awards to the outgoing Board members for their service to the Chapter – Andrea Foard, VP of Programs; Kristen Wescott, VP of Chapter Services; Laura Beall, Secretary; Lauren Blaszyk, District 3 Director; Greg Frisbee, Non-AICP Director-at-Large; and Subhro Guhathakurta, Higher Education representative. Many thanks for your years of service!
TNPA President Lynn Tully thanked GPA and the volunteers that have made this joint conference a success. Lynn recapped the Chapter achievements, challenges with the pandemic and moving forward. A few major highlights are: a recharged mentor/mentee program; a Planning Commissioner training handbook; recently adopted Strategic Plan; new sponsorship programs and a new award, Great Places in Tennessee, modeled after the APA award of a similar name. President Tully recognized the TNPA Leadership Council, its 20-members and their successes for the year. Lynn was pleased to announce Chuck Downham as a new inductee.
GPA President Studdard recapped his thoughts on the year and the journey of unexpected events for the Chapter, the profession and each of us personally. GPA looking forward for next year’s conference is yet to be determined and will be discussed at the Board meeting this afternoon. The AICP new CM credits for Equity and Sustainability & Resiliency will be offered at future conferences so members can meet those new APA requirements. Daniel reminded members to log their CM credits due to the change to a two-year cycle and APA will consolidate all members into one consistent cycle. Daniel reflected on the challenges of his term as President and the honor to serve the Chapter. Daniel congratulated the new Board members. Thanked Beth Anne Trombetta, GPA Events Coordinator, and Andrea Foard VP of Programs, with much appreciation for their hard work on the conference preparations.
Adam Hazell provided an overview of the categories and process for selected awarded projects and service awards. This year the Nevada Chapter reviewed the Georgia submissions. Adam thanks the Committee volunteers for their assistance. He presented the Annual Chapter Awards as follows: a new Distinguished Leadership in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to the City of Decatur and Sycamore Consulting for Better Together Advisory Board; Outstanding Public Involvement to City of Dallas and TSW for Downtown Dallas LCI; Outstanding Public Process to City of Decatur and TSW for Destination 2030 – Decatur Strategic Plan; and Outstanding Planning Document to Modern Mobility Partners for South Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Congratulations to all of the awardees!
President Studdard announced that more Chapter information is provided on the website and sign-up sheets for the GPA Committees are located at the check in table.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura F. Beall, AICP