GPA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: Friday, July 11, 2003
Location: Atlanta Regional Commission in Atlanta, GA
Members in Attendance
Gary Cornell, President
Jerry Weitz, President-Elect
Alex Ikefuna, VP Chapter Services
Dan Reuter, VP Legislative Affairs
Tom Sills, VP Professional Development
David Sutton, Secretary, via proxy to Tom Sills
Call to Order
Gary called the meeting to order at 1:35 pm when quorum arrived.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of minutes of May 9 deferred to next meeting. Next meeting set for August 29 with location to be determined by Gary. Location to have phone conference possibility for those that cannot drive to the meeting.
No report due to absence of Treasurer.
Program Committee
Conference discussion. Another meeting of Board/Executive Board may be necessary. Draft agenda is in email form. Sent by York Phillips. Some need to improve communications inter-board in preparing for the conference expressed. Note changes to conference hotel reservation rate to $145/night.
PODO Report
Proposed for Jekyll Island Club with a September date proposed. A lower participation rate is being suggested than has been the case in years past, owing to the number of PC trainings that are now occurring as a result of the RDC contract with DCA. The key is for the workshop to pay its own way, per the Chapter budget.
No further communication from Chrissy Marlowe or CVIOG re their training approach. Dan Reuter will follow up.
Nominations and Elections
Jerry Weitz offered Board nominations. Tried to get competition, minorities, women for each seat. Discussion re layout of handout, need for DCA Liaison not shared among those present, as planners work with other agencies as well. Private and public sector, RDC’s, cities, are represented.
Need candidate statements in two weeks. Jerry will follow up with this??
Legislative Committee
Dan reviewed mail out. Wants to begin now to develop priorities for next session, and to gather support from affiliated agencies, groups. Suggested at Spring Conference to have updates available via email to entire membership. Alex to put legislative priorities and today’s handout onto web site. Today’s handout to revise and update listing of priorities.
Urban Design
Committee meeting. Enthusiasm, several ideas. Get notes from Gary Cornell.
Committee met July 9 in Hapeville. Eve Brothers in charge. Get notes from Gary. Need for membership brochure, highlighting available Chapter only membership. Money in budget for brochure. Seek testimonials from AICP Fellows, others. Want to follow-up on expired members – Don Farrell to follow up. Need to mail out Chapter pins with new member packets. Should use Planners Lunches, district events to encourage membership.
Thanks to Jerry Weitz efforts, committee structure is adding energy to the organization.
Gary will write to GMA, ACCG to seek GPA involvement in their conferences.
Request from Don Farrell to have conference in Rome has gotten no response from Board. Gary will follow up with Don.
Harmit Bedi has initiated request of GMA to have planners sessions at their meetings. This was done without GPA sanction or knowledge in advance. Gary will follow up to determine what else needs to be done.