GPA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: October 12, 2006
Location: St. Simons, Georgia
Members In Attendance:
Dan Reuter
Stan Harvey
Tracy Dunnavant
Rob LeBeau
Kathleen Field
Gary Cornell
Glenn Coyne
Kellie Brownlow
Larry Vandenbosch
Bill Drummond
Ellen Heath
David Kirk
Paul Forgey
Patti Cullen
Frederick Gardiner
Kip Padgett
Mark Wilkes
Attendance by Proxy:
President Dan Reuter called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. at the Sea Palms Golf and Tennis Resort in St. Simons, Georgia. There were no proxies and it was determined that a quorum was present.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the July 21, 2006, Board of Directors meeting were unanimously approved as drafted.
Dues Increase
Reuter reminded the Board that the issue of increasing dues had been discussed and approved at the last Board meeting. He said that the Board had to revisit the issue since the process set forth in the bylaws had not been followed. He listed the amounts charged for each category of membership and added that he felt it was confusing having multiple fees. Reuter suggested making the fee either $25 or $35 for both chapter only and APA members. He said planning commissioners and students could remain the same. Reuter outlined the process for amending the fees and listed when the proposed change needed to be submitted to APA. He added that the bylaws specify that any increase in dues must be voted on by the membership at a duly advertised meeting. Reuter suggested placing it on the agenda in the spring. He asked Kirk about the legality of the Board’s previous vote on the issue. Kirk said since the Board was not authorized to take action, the vote was void. Harvey made motion to ask the membership to change the membership fee to $35 for both chapter only and APA members at the spring meeting with student and planning commissioner rates remaining the same. Seconded by Cullen. All in favor.
Legislative Agenda
Reuter discussed the revised legislative agenda. He emphasized the inverse condemnation issue and added that GMA and ACCG would be meeting to discuss possible strategies. Reuter said he has been kept abreast of the issues and actions that have been taken regarding inverse condemnation. He advised the Directors that GPA’s relationship with GMA and ACCG has been vastly improved over the last few years.
Treasurer’s Report
Heath distributed the budget report to the Board. She said the figures do not reflect totals from the fall conference. Heath discussed other revenue and expenditures that would be included in the year end figures. She added that GPA had two cds (one in the amount of $5,000 and one in the amount of $35,000). Kirk asked if APA funds were provided in two equal installments. Heath said they were based on the dues that were collected for the quarter. Reuter said he felt the chapter probably exceeded 1,000 members. He added that the Board would be discussing the 2007 budget at their next meeting.
Adminstrative Proposal
Reuter reminded the Board that they had previously discussed the possibility of hiring an administrative staff person to assist in the day to day operations of the organization. He said he wanted to take the idea to the membership to receive their feedback on the issue. LeBeau said the creation of the position could be tied to the dues increase. Kirk suggested having Gail Easley discuss Florida’s experience with an administrative person. Heath mentioned the possibility of contracting for the position. The Board discussed the pros and cons. Heath suggested also tying the position to increased services. Reuter said the Board could have additional discussions at their next meeting.
Other Business
Harvey informed the Directors that a new brochure has been developed. He presented a copy for the Board to review.
Harvey updated the Board on the welcome kit project. He said the District Directors would be receiving updated information on their members, which would allow them to distribute the kits once they were completed. The Board discussed which items needed to be included in the packets.
Harvey reminded the Board that GPA is supposed to publish a membership directory this year. Heath said the cd format that was used in the past was quite costly. Field suggested advising the membership that directories were available upon request. She added that this way GPA would not be paying for unnecessary copies.
LeBeau said he only had three golf shirts left. He asked the Board if they would like to have some new ones made. Field said she felt it was a good idea to wait until the old shirts showed wear.
LeBeau asked about the audit. Heath said an audit committee needed to be established. Reuter suggested adding the audit as a line item in the budget.
LeBeau said the spring conference was going to be a little different than usual. He said the growth symposium would be coupled with the conference. LeBeau reminded the Board that GPA would be partnering with AIA and ASLA. He added that the conference would be most likely held in downtown Atlanta in late February or early March. Reuter cautioned about possible financial hardships and coordination issues that could arise from the coupling. Harvey expressed concern about logistics. He suggested some type of social. Reuter said he felt GPA needed to look at something less complicated.
Reuter said World Town Planning Day would take the place of the next Planners’ Luncheon. Drummond said the students had been very busy planning the event.
Cornell informed the Board that the membership survey report should be ready very soon. He said he was waiting on others to complete their portions before providing the final tallies.
Drummond said he would be holding the election for the student representative. He added that he had sent an e-mail to 134 potential candidates advising them of the election. Drummond described the process that would be followed. LeBeau mentioned that around thirteen students were registered for the fall conference. Brownlow added that fifty-five planning commissioners had chosen to attend as well.
The Directors discussed the Community Planning Institute (CPI). Reuter said his only issue was with all of the trainings being held in the southern portion of the state. Cullen mentioned that one was being held in Columbus. Reuter said he felt another planning commissioner’s tract was needed at the spring conference. He added that DCA was pretty much handling CPI. The Board discussed GPA’s role in the trainings. Coyne reminded the Board that they had previously delegated the running of CPI to DCA in a split vote. The Board discussed the need to have more input into CPI.
Dunnavant asked if anyone knew if Sharon Caton still wanted to serve in her capacity as District 9 Director. She added that Caton’s contact information had changed and she was unable to reach her by either e-mail or phone. Reuter suggested seeking Wayne Kilmark’s assistance in determining her situation.
Kirk congratulated Rob LeBeau and Kelly Brownlow on another successful conference.
Reuter thanked Harvey and Bill Ross for their efforts in improving the newsletter and website.
Reuter advised the Board that the next meeting was scheduled for December 8th. He said the time and place would be announced.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tracy S. Dunnavant, AICP