GPA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: February 8, 2002
Location: Jordan, Jones & Goulding in Athens, GA
Members in AttendanceGary Cornell
Tom Sills
Alex Ikefuna
Dan Reuter
Pat Chapman
Larry Keating
Jerry Weitz
David Sutton
Bill Ross
Allyse Lee
Call to OrderPresident Gary Cornell called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m and distributed the agenda for the meeting.
Quality Growth Partnership
Discussion opened in which it was noted that GPA was in good standing with the QGP and that Jerry Weitz and Dan Reuter’s relationship with the QGP and DCA had placed us in good position on the legislation issue. The GMA/ACCG Task Force was scheduled to meet in Savannah this spring and it was suggested that this might be an appropriate time to hold a spring conference largely centering on legislative issues. It was noted that ACCG and GMA had seen the GPA legislative proposal. Jerry also noted that the conference would be an excellent conduit to roll out the APA Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook.
Discussion ensued on who should remain the GPA representative to QGP; with no other volunteers, Jerry volunteered to continue as the appointee. Tom Sills agreed to serve as a substitute. Dan Reuter then stated that he had heard that the Governor might address growth management if reelected.
There was some discussion about sponsoring a Spring Conference to follow the ACCG/GMA task force meeting. It would focus on enabling legislation; an update of the 1998 Growth Strategies Revisited report, and Growing Smart (addressing growth management). No action was taken.
Jerry suggested that GPA should back up and have a position or legislative strategy rather than a specific bill, and he volunteered to prepare a “White Paper” on recommended priorities. It was noted that the Governor’s Development Council needed to be reempowered, possibly separated from GRTA, and elevated to a Cabinet Position.
President Cornell noted the need for an active legislative committee to address the issue. Following discussion, President Cornell made appointments to the Legislative Committee: Jeff Rader, Dan Reuter, Tom Sills, David Sutton, Christi Trombetti and Jerry as Chairman. Gary also distributed a list of all other committee appointments which were consented to by the Executive Committee.
Vice President for Professional Development
Tom Sills and Gary reported an extremely productive meeting was held to resolve numerous misunderstanding between Ga Tech and the Board. Attending were Alysse Lee, Dr. Larry Keating, Dr. Cheryl Contant, Tom Sills, and Gary Cornell. Many miscommunications were resolved and the following items were reported.
AICP Prepatory course-Georgia is among the largest number of applicants, yet has only a 49% pass rate-only 2 states are lower-the National average is 76%
Plans for improvement included idea of continuing education through Ga Tech; multiple AICP preparatory sessions versus 1-day sessions; and overall enhancement of the preparatory program; February 22 is set for this year’s 1-day session.
Tom Sills then reported that Dr. Larry Keating would serve as the Chapter’s Professional Development Officer (PDO).
Dr. Larry Keating reported that Georgia Tech would like to continuing offering the continuing education course on the AICP examination, and that it could be much more extensive if necessary. He agreed with the need to analyze the issues on why Georgia had such a poor pass/fail rate. He also reported on potential alternative sessions for the Fall Conference.
The appointment of a Student Support Committee under Professional Development was also discussed; Gary suggested Tom Sills, Larry Keating, Alysse Lee and Bill Ross, ty; Dan noted that students could easily be invited to all ARC functions.
The GPA scholarship was then discussed; Jerry suggested the idea of opening to other institutions with planning related programs.
An idea of an award to Georgia students for papers on current Georgia planning issues was discussed, with the suggestion that the award be set at $500 subject to budget. The issue remanded to the Student Support Committee for final details.
The Spring Lecture series at Georgia Tech was reported on, with the dates of February 20 and April 17 brought to the Executive Committee’s attention; the lecture series is being held in conjunction with Ga Tech’s anniversary celebration.
The issue of the accreditation of continuing education at Georgia Tech was raised. The issue was remanded to Professional Development Committee.
Vice President for Chapter Services
Vice President for Chapter Services Alex Ikefuna reviewed the previously approved contract for the membership directory, noting a change of the specifications to a three-hole punched directory.
Issue of Website was raised. Alex distributed a proposal and noted he was waiting to get an alternate proposal from Bill Ross; Bill Ross suggested a new provider might not be needed and suggested $1200 was a reasonable cost (i.e., 3 hrs. per month x 12 mos. x $35.00 per hour)
The Website issue was remanded to the Chapter Services Committee, with Gary noting that Alex has the prerogative to establish the committee membership.
Need for District Directors assistance in making sure Membership Directories get to membership was discussed in detail-coordination with APA National for mailing list was considered a must.
Pat Chapman reported that potential reincorporation of GPA could cost as much as $500. Jerry Weitz raised the issue whether the chapter should reincorporate as something other than a 501 C (3). Pat noted that she did not feel we wanted to even raise the issue. Discussion ensued, and there was little factual knowledge on the details of the issue among those attending. Jerry made a motion, seconded by Tom Sills, that if reincorporation was necessary, that we reincorporate as a 501 C (3). It was noted that GPA could educate, but cannot lobby. By consensus of the Executive Committee, the issue was referred to the Legislative Committee.
President’s Report
President Gary Cornell stated that he did not feel that a direct letter to the membership, concerning the events around Lisa Walker’s resignation and charges against an officer and the Board, was now needed. Gary suggested that his President’s letter in the GPA newsletter was more than sufficient.
Gary also reported receipt of a letter from National that cleared the Board from all questions of impropriety associated with these events. The executive committee asked that a copy of the letter be provided to the executive committee since it was not available at the meeting.
2002 Budget and Work Program
Gary then distributed copies of the draft budget and work program on which work had begun at the January Board Meeting in Atlanta. Following a line-by-line discussion, a final budget for 2002 of $66,032 was approved, with $ 1,632 coming from reserves.
Gary thanked all for their hard work at today’s meeting, and stated that the next President’s column would reflect budget approval.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
David J. Sutton,
AICP Secretary