2009-2011 Election Position Statements
Statements are available online from the candidates for the 2009-2011 election.
Laura Keyes, AICP, Candidate for VP – Chapter Services
During my first term as Vice President for Chapter Services, my fist goal was to revise the Georgia Planning Association’s (GPA) approach for the Annual Sponsorship Campaign. I focused on developing a variety of sponsorship levels which led to a 60 percent increase in overall sponsorships between 2008 and 2009 even in a lagging economy. In a second term, I will continue a targeted approach to the annual campaign to help sponsors directly see the benefits of their commitment.
My second goal was to develop cost effective solutions to increase communication to GPA members. My approach centered on improving access to critical information the GPA membership relies on and focused on increased communication through the GPA website, monthly e-newsletters and e-announcements. In a second term, I will continue an effort that includes adhering to a schedule of weekly updates of information to the website, and refining and using GPA’s current communication tool to disseminate information to members.
A third goal of my first term was to advance other fields of planning in addition to land use planning, such as water and environmental planning and transportation planning. I worked to achieve this by serving as the Chair of the 2008 and 2009 Chapter Awards Committee, encouraging professionals in various fields to nominate work for GPA’s Annual Chapter Awards, and reaching out to a diverse group of professionals to contribute information to the monthly e-newsletters and participate in GPA conferences. In a second term, I will continue this effort and advance the role of the Membership Committee.
I am an AICP-certified planner and have worked for the Atlanta Regional Commission in the transportation planning division since 1999 managing the long-range transportation planning activities including ARC’s integrated land use and transportation planning effort and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Assistance Program. My education includes a Bachelors of Science in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Michigan, and a Masters of Science from the School of Agriculture at Michigan State University.
Adam Hazell, Candidate for VP of Programs
In my 12 years with two of Georgia’s regional planning organizations, I’ve had the privilege of working with more than 80 diverse local communities in working for local, regional and State initiatives. We know growth will continue within Georgia but now we must address the dynamics of development and planning with a new economic outlook and a new focus on sustainability. I, for one, am excited about the opportunity to help our communities bring about the best results from these changes and I look for GPA to help us with these efforts.
Having served on numerous committees and as 3 time district representative I understand the challenges and responsibilities at GPA. I’m running to serve again out of a deep appreciation from such past experiences and a desire to help GPA and its members through education, professional development and in providing resources that allow planning professionals take their own abilities to the next level. Such efforts are more critical in today’s political climate and in sustaining the value of AICP accreditation. I want the organization to continue providing educational resources for professionals and officials alike, as well as broadening the dialogue with elected officials to ensure planning issues receive proper attention. Having assisted the Programs committee in the past I now wish to give the best I can in this role, supporting GPA and its members for the betterment of the profession. I encourage all of you to participate with GPA however you may be able, helping the Board understand your needs and working with them in building solutions. That’s the best way we can all serve Georgia and our local communities.
Vicki Taylor Lee, AICP Candidate for VP – Programs
I am thrilled and honored at the nomination for the office of VP/Programs for the Georgia Planning Association.
As Zoning Administrator for Cherokee County Georgia I have been responsible for staff involved in day to day planning and zoning activities for more than seven years. I earned my AICP certification in 2005 and am proud to be among those with this recognition. Cherokee County hosted the GPA 2009 Spring Conference where I served as Chair for the Local Host Committee.
I have served as Vice-Chairman of the Planning and Women Division of the American Planning Association since 2007 where I organized the highest attended session of the 2008 APA Conference. I submitted two sessions in 2008 and one in 2009 for the National Conference of American Planning Association. I have submitted for the Planning and Women Division a session for the 2010 Conference based on Leonardo Vasquez book, Leading from the Middle and Mr. Vasquez is scheduled to lead. I also serve as a member of the GPA’s Professional Development Committee.
Programs offered by GPA are more important than ever with the Certification Maintenance program now in effect. In order to support the GPA membership in attaining these credits, as well as providing valuable knowledge, assistance, and guidance, the VP/Programs must be able to coordinate programs and events that supply these needed resources.
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with our President-Elect, Jeff Watkins, and the rest of the Board of Directors toward furthering the goals set out in the Mission Statement of the Georgia Planning Association.
David C. Kirk, AICP, Candidate for AICP Director at Large
Since 1999, I have worked as an Attorney in the Governmental Law Practice Group of the Atlanta-based law firm Troutman Sanders LLP, and was elected to the partnership in 2006. I represent public and private sector clients on land use and planning issues ranging from annexation to zoning, and on other governmental and regulatory matters. My clients include local governments, neighborhood groups, community foundations, telecommunications companies, developers, private businesses, and individuals throughout Georgia.
Prior to beginning my law career, I spent twelve years on the staff of the Atlanta Regional Commission in both the Land Use and Transportation Planning sections. While at ARC, I served as an Adjunct Professor in the City Planning Program at Georgia Tech for two years, and continue to serve as a guest lecturer at Georgia Tech, as well as at Georgia State University’s College of Law. I also am on the faculty of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s “Community Planning Academy,” which provides ongoing training on Georgia planning and zoning issues to elected officials, planning commissioners, members of zoning boards of appeals, professional planners, and citizens.
From 1989 – 1991, I served as President of the Georgia Planning Association. Prior to that time, I held a wide variety of GPA leadership positions, including Vice-President and Chair of the Programs Committee. Following my service as GPA President, I served for two years as a Commissioner of the American Institute of Certified Planners. I am a frequent presenter on Planning Law topics at GPA conferences and at AICP Exam Review courses.
I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Duke University, a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School. I also studied town planning for a year at the Australian National University under the auspices of a Rotary Foundation International Fellowship.
I would be honored to continue my service to GPA as an AICP Director. With the recent approval of the AICP Certification Maintenance Program, I feel my past service to GPA and AICP, and my familiarity with legal continuing education programs, can benefit current and future AICP members in Georgia as they work to understand the requirements and get the credits they now need to continue their AICP certification. Furthermore, I know from my experience over the years on the GPA Board that the level of commitment of the members of the Board directly affects the quality of services GPA offers it members. I pledge to continue to work closely with GPA’s President and all other Board members and committee chairs to focus our energy, efforts, and talent on further strengthening GPA’s ability to serve its members with high quality programs and services, and to speak up on behalf of planners and planning in Georgia. I appreciate your thoughtful consideration of my candidacy.
Tim Preece, AICP, Candidate for AICP Director at Large
No statement available at this time.
Diana Wheeler, Candidate for Non-AICP Director at Large
I have been the Community Development Director for the City of Alpharetta for the past twelve years. Prior to this position, I held comparable positions in two, fast growing south Florida communities. In addition to twenty years in the planning “trenches”, I hold a bachelors degree in architecture and master of architecture and urban design degree from Columbia University. I also served as the President of the South Florida Planning and Zoning Association.
Having worked primarily in high growth areas, most of my career has been focused around growth management issues. I know that the challenge of balancing the built and the natural environment in order to preserve quality of life is a struggle that’s taking place throughout Georgia. Having seen it in other places, I know the issues that lie ahead of us: a fragmented state governmental structure, urban vs. rural priorities, air quality and water supply, traffic and transportation…. just to name a few. I believe that opportunities will present themselves in the next few years that will allow GPA to make significant planning advances that will not only benefit our communities, but serve as models for others. Having served on the GPA Board for the past few years, I’ve had an opportunity to participate in some of the positive changes that have occurred in the organization. I would like the opportunity to continue to serve and help GPA get to the next level for its members and the planning profession.
Kathleen Field, Candidate for Non-AICP Director at Large
I am the Community Development Director for the City of Roswell. I have served in this position for the past five years. Previous to that, I have held the following positions: Planning Director for the Boston Housing Authority, Planning Director for the City of Providence, RI and Policy Director for the Lt. Governor of RI. I have a Master’s Degree from The George Washington University in Urban & Regional Planning and have previously served as the Treasurer for the New England Chapter of APA.
I believe that one of the most important ways to create an active and viable Chapter is through the quality and quantity of programs offered throughout the year. During my past years on the GPA Board, I have served as co-chair of the Planners’ Luncheons. These functions have provided an opportunity for planners in the Atlanta metro area to receive in-depth information about a particular project as well as to network. So far, these programs have proved to be very successful. If I am re-elected, I would be willing to continue to co-chair this program.
Rodney Heard, Candidate for Non-AICP Director at Large
No statement available at this time.
Harry McGinnis, Candidate for Non-AICP Director at Large
Harry McGinnis has been in the field of planning since 1972. His early mentors include Dr. John DeGrove and Jack Gladding. His 37 years of planning experience includes working as a local government and state government planner, planning consultant and professor and researcher. Harry has been an active member of both the Florida and Georgia Chapters and he currently chairs the APA Transportation Division’s Legislative and Policy Committee. Dr. McGinnis earned his Ph.D. from Florida State in 1982 and his BS and MS from Florida Tech in 1971.
Cheri Hobson-Mathews, Candidate for Non-AICP Director at Large
No statement available at this time.
Eric S. Bosman, AICP, Candidate for GPA Treasurer
Our organization has made tremendous progress over the last five years. It is that progress and the potential for our chapter to maintain and continue to enhance its reputation, capabilities, programs, and service to members that motivates me as a candidate for Treasurer. If I am fortunate to serve as GPA Treasurer, I will work with the President, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Chapter Services and the GPA Board to maintain and further enhance the value you receive as a member of GPA. I expect to work with the Board to:
- Promote planning and planning education throughout the State;
- Maintain fiscal responsibility as we develop and implement state planning initiatives, programs, and activities;
- Enhance GPA’s status as a leading resource regarding planning and development issues;
- Continue to support and improve communications with members and allied professions;
- Enhance professional development opportunities throughout the state for planning professionals and elected officials;
- Increase membership, enhance the value of membership and pursue greater diversification in the composition of our membership;
- Advance legislative advocacy to improve GPA’s standing and capacity to impact local and state laws and policies where appropriate.
Professionally, I have worked as a planner for 12 years, 7 years as an AICP member. From 1995-1998, I was a staff member of the East St. Louis Action Research Project supporting community development initiatives and neighborhood improvement projects in East St. Louis, Illinois. I worked as a consultant in Houston, Texas from 1998 to 2001 and during that time was an active member of the Houston Section of APA. I began my current position with Urban Collage, Inc., in Atlanta in 2001. My duties at Urban Collage include project management for downtown redevelopment, community improvement district, and facility and campus planning projects; office coordination/management; and business development. Our work throughout the state provides me with an opportunity to travel and interact with communities and planners throughout Georgia.
Jeff Rader, Dekalb County, Candidate for Planning Official
No statement available at this time.
Fred Boykin, City of Decatur, Candidate for Planning Official
No statement available at this time.
Scott Morgan, City of Bethlehem, Candidate for Planning Official
If elected I would bring a unique perspective to the GPA Board of Directors as both a practicing planner and an elected official concurrently. I have been a member of APA/GPA for 25 years and have worked as a planner in several areas of the State during that time. My jobs have included regional planning agency positions, as well as local government, and I have been the Planning Director for the City of Cumming for the past 11 years. I was elected to the City Council of Bethlehem in January of this year. If elected to serve on the Board as Planning Official I will advance the interests of all planning officials with the Board, including advising the Board and acting as a liaison between planning officials, the Board and membership. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Richard Osborne,Candidate for District 1 Director
Georgia Planning Association is a well-run, professional organization, and I have been proud to participate as a member during the last few years. I would like to be considered for the position of District One Director to work with planners in the Northwest Georgia area. During the last four years, I have served as City Planner for the City of Cartersville. I achieved AICP certification in 2008. Prior to my current position, I worked in the Community Development department of the City of LaGrange.
Growth of membership, especially targeting planners who work and/or live between 30 and 90 miles from Atlanta, will be a priority for me as District One Director. Within the existing membership, I believe that the mentoring of new planners by members with decades of experience is critical to ensure that lessons learned from the past will be remembered long into the future.
Recruitment of volunteers within the organization will also be a priority for me to help ensure quality activities with good turn-outs. I will encourage opportunities for events within the Northwest Georgia area, such as the February 2009 Planners Luncheon in Cartersville that I had the opportunity to organize.
Lynn Tully,Candidate for District 2 Director
I have worked and lived in District 2 for the last 9 years and very much enjoy the variety of lifestyles and communities in the area. Many great opportunities are available for planners in District 2. These opportunities are accompanied as always by the challenges of managing growth in suburban and rural areas.
We are currently experiencing a significant shift in growth patterns and economically stalled or receding development. This requires planners in our area to shift focus to improvement of long range planning and updating regulations to meet current expectations. Connections to APA divisions such as Small Town and Rural Planning as well as networks between peer planners are therefore more important than ever before. I will work to improve these networks and encourage opportunities for collaboration and other information sharing. With dwindling training and research dollars we must continue to be creative in sharing knowledge and applying good planning concepts in our respective jurisdictions.
Over the years I have worked in large and small jurisdictions across the Southeast. I have served with others on large regional projects including the Upper Etowah/Lake Allatoona Watershed Project, and establishing a collaborative GIS system. In addition, I have been an active member of AICP, APA and STaR Division serving on the elections and nominating committee and currently involved with the education committee to provide various conference sessions and internships for students interested in rural planning. I hope to use this leadership experience in partnership with others in District 2 to improve both our collaboration with both GPA and APA.
Jim Summerbell, AICP, Candidate for District 3 Director
I would consider it an honor to serve GPA in the role of District 3 Director and represent the interests and concerns of planners in the metropolitan Atlanta area. Currently, I am a Senior Community Planner with Jordan, Jones & Goulding, a multi-disciplinary consulting firm located in Norcross. I have been a professional planner in both public and private sectors for over 20 years. I hold a Master of City Planning Degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from Rhodes College. Before becoming a consultant eight years ago, I worked for Gwinnett County Planning and Development Department, and served as the Manager of Long Range Planning. I have extensive experience in project management and in preparing comprehensive plans, livable centers initiatives, land development regulations, and land development feasibility studies. My project experience includes working on comprehensive plans in Gwinnett, Forsyth, Rockdale, Spalding, Coweta, and Newton Counties, as well as the Cities of Columbus, Cartersville, Covington, Buford, and Snellville. I appreciate the opportunity to serve Georgia Planning Association and I look forward to working with its leadership to make GPA a stronger professional organization and a recognized leader in our communities.
Bruce Macgregor, AICP, Candidate for District 3 Director
After many years as a public sector planner and as a private sector consultant, I believe I have the experience and temperament to assist GPA in furthering the state of Planning in Georgia. In past years, I helped establish the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, the Georgia (and National) Main Street Center, and the Child Development Center at the state capitol. I’ve served on several task forces (Infill Development, Subdivision Ordinance, Streambuffers, Development Impact Fees) in Dekalb County, and served as assistant foreman of the Grand Jury which investigated Dekalb’s form of government.
Several years ago, I served as GPA’s Legislative VP, and more recently served two terms as President of my local neighborhood organization. Currently, I am a member of the DeKalb County Zoning Task Force, and the Land Use Chair of the Druid Hills Civic Association. As a recent retiree from DNR and current planning consultant, I have the time and interest to effectively represent GPA as your District 3 director. I would like to help build membership and professionalism within GPA, and enhance the role of Planning within local government. I am especially interested in effective codes that allow for innovative development, protect neighborhoods and the environment, are legally defensible, and can be reasonably administered.
If selected, I will commit my time and energy to the enhancement of Planning in Georgia.
Bruce MacGregor formerly served as the Planning Director of the Georgia Building Authority, and the Buckhead Coalition. He was the founding director of the Georgia Main Street Center, and currently works as a Planning Consultant to local governments and non-profit organizations.
Frederick Gardiner, Candidate for District 4 Director
No statement available at this time.
Kristina Harpst, AICP Candidate for District 5 Director
No statement available at this time.
Paul De Camp, Candidate for District 6 Director
No statement available at this time.
Patti Cullen, Candidate for District 7 Director
I currently serve as the Executive Director of the Lower Chattahoochee Regional Development Center. I have over twenty-five years experience in the planning profession. Education: BS Degree in Home Economics Department of Consumer Affairs, Major Housing, Auburn University, 1981. Masters Degree in Community Planning, Auburn University, 1990.
I feel very fortunate for the opportunity to have served as District 7 Director for the last several years. As Executive Director of a regional planning agency, I see the value of having an active professional organization with representation throughout the state. Professional planning practices and methods are needed in both urban and rural areas in order for our state to have sustainable, high quality growth. GPA provides a mechanism for all planners to come together and discuss the issues facing our region, our state and our country. As District 7 Director, I will continue to strive to represent professional planners and local governments in both the urban and rural areas of our district.
Paul Forgey, AICP, Candidate for District 8 Director at Large
My background and area of specialization is in historic preservation. As I have progressed in my career from hands-on restoration to historic preservation planning and then on to general planning, it has become clear that planning involves all facets of society. Successful planning recognizes the interdependence of all these aspects, and from this, strives to build community.
I have been with the Southwest Georgia Regional Development Center since 1995; first as Regional Historic Preservation Planner and as Planning Director since 1998. I am currently District 8 Director for the Georgia Planning Association and have served on several committees including the Urban Design and Historic Preservation Committee. I am also active with APA’s Urban Design and Preservation Division, where I have served on a grants selection committee. My participation in GPA is motivated by the desire to make Georgia a better place through planning. Historic preservation is an important component of Georgia’s past and its future. It encompasses many facets of planning including housing, urban design and economic development.
If reelected, I intend to continue working to incorporate historic preservation into the larger realm of planning through district events, annual conference sessions and involvement with related organizations.
Marc Hawkins, Candidate for District 9 Director
No statement available at this time.
Geoff Goins, Candidate for District 10 Director
No statement available at this time.