2009 Ballot & Election Notice

Due to several unforeseen circumstances, ballots for the 2009 GPA Board of Directors election were not received by members until late last week and in some cases this week.  This is not in accordance with our bylaws, and clearly did not give members enough time to consider carefully their votes and have them properly recorded in time for Thursday’s general membership meeting.  Members of GPA’s Board of Directors believe that we must have an election that conforms to the provisions of our bylaws and establishes a Board of Directors whose legitimacy is unquestioned.

Therefore, we will request a vote at the membership meeting to allow for the continuation of the current board in office for another 60 days.  We would also like the membership to direct the Elections Committee to conduct a new election that fully conforms to the provisions of the bylaws. This will involve sending new ballots to all members and holding the annual membership meeting 30 days after the ballots are mailed out.  We will provide an easy mechanism for members to designate proxies so that we are sure to have the required quorum at the annual meeting to install the new board.

We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion and welcome questions or comments.  Please contact Ellen Heath (404.965.9600, ) or Jeff Watkins (678.493.6107, )