2010 Fall Conference Charette

The City of Valdosta is excited to be the subject of the Georgia Planning Association’s first Fall Conference charette, and GPA is proud to offer this service in support of Georgia’s communities. This charette presents an ideal opportunity for local stakeholders to be presented with exciting and innovative ideas early in the building design process by GPA professionals who handle complex development issues on a daily basis.

The subject property for the charette is the newly acquired Five Points property. Participants in this event will be asked to develop design concepts that will compliment the City’s current plans for the site. Participants will be expected to address three key aspects as it relates to the Five Points property:

  • Potential uses for vacant properties adjacent to the site
  • Traffic reconfiguration
  • Potential uses for land on site that is not currently owned by the city


For the charette space will be set aside for attendees to lend their support throughout the length of the conference, with select times dedicated to sessions about the subject property. On Wednesday participants will be briefed by City Officials on the current conditions of the site followed by an optional tour. Participants will have the rest of Wednesday and Thursday to develop a concept for the site that will be presented to local officials Friday morning. Team leaders will help facilitate final presentations to include oral descriptions of concepts plus graphic representation through sketches and other images.

If you can help with this effort we’d love to have you participate in any way possible. We hope you are as excited about this event as we are and encourage everyone to help us show what some of Georgia’s finest planners can do!

Five Point Charrette Photos and Information

If you have any questions please contact Jessica Gibson.