The APA Economic Development and Small Town and Rural (STaR) Divisions’ Municipal Broadband Questionnaire
Is your town or county struggling with the Digital Divide? Are you thinking about a Municipal Broadband project?
On February 15th, APA’s Small Town and Rural (STaR) and Economic Development divisions are sending out a short survey on municipal broadband to canvass APA members on their community’s broadband availability, and to understand what rural planners and economic development officers would like from the APA in terms of education, training, and tools. The results of the survey will be made available to division members and will be discussed in a panel session – “The Small Town Municipal Broadband Gabfest” at the APA’s national conference in NYC in May.
If your community is struggling with broadband availability or considering a municipal broadband project, please take a few minutes to complete the survey and provide us with any comments or suggestions on how the APA can help you with municipal broadband outreach and support. The survey will also be available online at the APA website until April 1st.
Many thanks, and we look forward to seeing you and discussing your municipal broadband issues in NYC in May.