Be Part of Telling Georgia’s Planning Story…
Atlanta is the site of the 2014 National Conference of the American Planning Association (APA). Now is our opportunity to highlight noteworthy aspects of planning that are helping make Georgia a great place to be!
Starting in early June through late July, 2013, APA’s on-line “call for session proposals” will be activated for the 2014 national conference. Proposals flagged in the online submission system as intended for the Atlanta Local Program will have a greater chance of selection (and will still be considered for other conference slots should they not be chosen for the local program).
The Local Program Sub-Committee (Rob LeBeau and Bruce Stiftel, co-chairs) asks you to consider submission of conference session proposals that:
- Depict excellent planning and implementation efforts
- Reflect the unique characteristics of Atlanta and the State of Georgia
- Capture the breadth and variety of places across the state
- Highlight experiences that can be replicated in other communities
- Ensure a variety of planning topics and a range of specializations
- Demonstrate innovations or new approaches, methods, or tools for conducting quality planning.
Sessions are typically 90 minutes in length and include multiple speakers. Session proposers must be APA members, but the session may include non-member speakers.
Notice will be made nationally and through GPA when the online system goes live, at which time an active URL will be provided, but please start thinking about a session you might propose or join. It’s Planning’s year in Atlanta in 2014 and YOU should be there!