Celebrating Black History Month: Arthur Campbell
In honor of Black History Month, the GPA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is highlighting Arthur Campbell, a prominent African-American planner who helped to institute national-level change for the benefit of local communities.
A native of Waugh, Alabama, Campbell earned a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Tuskegee University and was the first African-American graduate from Georgia Tech’s City and Regional Planning program in 1970. During his early career, Campbell worked at the Southern Regional Council in Atlanta under the direction of Vernon Jordan, an attorney and civil rights activist. Campbell then transitioned to Washington, D.C., where he founded the Small Town Assistance Project at the Housing Assistance Council. Campbell also served at the US Department of Agriculture as the deputy undersecretary for Rural Development, strengthening the coordination between local rural communities and the federal government to foster rural economic development. In addition, Campbell served in Carter’s administration, and with the Clinton-Gore transition team on issues related to the Farmers Home Administration. Campbell later returned to Atlanta, leading the economic development program at the Federal Home Loan Bank in Atlanta. Campbell is recognized for serving as a valued liaison between rural communities and Washington D.C., providing critical information and resources, and leaving a lasting impact on Atlanta and communities across the country.
If you would like to learn more about the EDI Committee, including opportunities to get involved, please contact the committee chair, Erin Thoresen.