COVID Update for Fall Conference

To further improve the safety of our attendees at the 2021 Joint GPA/TAPA Fall Conference in Chattanooga, we are implementing a requirement that attendees either certify they have been vaccinated for COVID-19 or provide verification of a negative COVID-19 test result taken within the 48 hours preceding arrival at the conference.

Those who have already registered will be asked to log into their record and either certify they have been vaccinated or acknowledge they have not and will provide verification of their negative COVID-19 test result. All future registrants will be required to provide this information when registering for the conference.

These unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. We remain committed to providing a safe, educational, and fun event in Chattanooga in just a few weeks. To recap our safety measures thus far:

  • GPA/TAPA will follow CDC guidelines regarding the use of masks, which currently call for wearing masks indoors regardless of vaccination status.
  • GPA/TAPA will require attendees to certify they are vaccinated against COVID-19 OR provide verification of a negative COVID-19 test result within the 48 hours preceding their arrival at the Fall Conference. We are confident that attendees will be truthful with their certifications in that GPA and TAPA members are professionals, and our code of conduct requires being truthful in our professional endeavors.
  • Both the Chattanooga Convention Center and the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown will have robust cleaning measures to help ensure attendee safety.
  • GPA/TAPA will have masks and hand sanitizer available onsite, but we do request you still bring your own masks with you.

Additional measures will be put in place as needed to help make sure the Fall Conference is a safe and fun experience for all.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 2021 Joint GPA/TAPA Fall Conference in Chattanooga and sharing with you our exciting program, great speakers, fun tours, outstanding exhibitors, and special events!

How to update your registration

If you are already registered for the Fall Conference, please follow the steps below to answer the vaccination question.

Access your registration

  1. At the top of the page, under the Register Now button, click Already Registered.
  2. Enter your email address used when registering and your confirmation number found in the confirmation email. Click Log in.
    1. If you no longer have your confirmation, you can click “Forgot your confirmation number?” and it will be re-sent to your email.
  3. When the Confirmation Page opens, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the red “Modify Registration” button
  4. Once the Personal Information page opens, scroll to the bottom of the page for the vaccination question. Select your answer and click Next.
  5. Click Next at the bottom of each page until you get to the Order Summary Page. Unless you have made any other changes to your registration that affect fees, your Order Total should be $0.00.
  6. Click Submit to save your changes. A new confirmation page will be displayed when registration is completed.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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