DRAFT Georgia Chapter Development Plan
This Chapter Development Plan is a five-year plan to develop and expand the efforts of the Chapter with regard to delivery of member services, professional/educational programs, lobbying, awards, and communication, among other things. This Chapter Development Plan is modeled after the 2015-2035 American Planning Association Development Plan.
Included is an Annual Work Program that helps the Chapter identify right-sized tasks that can be accomplished by Chapter leadership, staff, and volunteers on an annual basis. The Annual Work program also identifies a “champion” for each element who will lead the GPA Board, Committees, and members in that area. This section of the Chapter Development Plan should be revised annually by the President and/or President-elect.
Members of the Georgia Chapter of the American Planning Association are asked to provide feedback and comments on the DRAFT Chapter Development Plan by May 31, 2016 to Corey Hull (email).