EDI Committee Information is Now Online

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is pleased to announce that it now has a home on the GPA website. The GPA EDI Committee supports the implementation of the APA Diversity and Inclusion Vision, Mission, and Strategy by working to address barriers and to support the recruitment and retention of people typically underrepresented in the planning profession. This includes outreach and engagement, collaborating with GPA Board Members and other committees, training, and events and activities. Learn more about the Committee, its work, and opportunities to get involved by visiting the new EDI page, located beneath the “Get Involved” tab at the top of the GPA website.

We are currently seeking volunteers to support our School Outreach Initiative, which focuses on building up the next generation of planners by sharing how planning impacts our daily lives and shedding light on the various career paths available within planning and related fields.

If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, please contact Erin Thoresen, EDI Committee Chair, or fill out this quick form on the EDI webpage.