Forty Days to Stand Up for Planning 

The 2024 legislative session kicked off on January 8th. With only 40 session days, it promises to be exhilarating. GPA members are actively promoting our policy priorities. We are shaping pro housing legislation in partnership with GMA and ACCG as well as the Association of Realtors and Homebuilders. #ItTakesAPlanner to promote land use reform that will accelerate housing production and right the job-housing mismatch across towns in every corner of the state.

Policymakers should look to planning to grow their communities as the economy grows new jobs. Planners should reach out to our representatives to share our data-driven insights and understanding of broad community impacts of proposed legislation. As the session begins, now is the time to call your Senator and Representative to voice your support for state incentives for locally-driven housing supply solutions.

Want to know more? Email Whitney Shephard to join the Committee strategy sessions and to share stories about the housing crisis – and solutions. Now is the time for action.