Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (GTIB) Announces Grant and Loan Funding Availability in 2023

The Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (GTIB) is a grant and low-interest loan program administered by the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA). Since inception, GTIB has provided over $182 million in grants and loans to highly competitive transportation projects that have enhanced mobility and driven economic development in local communities throughout Georgia.
SRTA is pleased to announce that funding will be available for awards in 2023! Grant and loan applications will be accepted through January 20, 2023. Awards are expected to be announced in May or June of 2023.
Applicants will need to complete and submit an application and, if applying for a loan, the financial documentation form, which can be downloaded on their website. Please submit all applications electronically to GTIB.
Please contact David Cassell, SRTA Strategic Programs Administrator if you have any questions.