Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (GTIB) Funding Availability
The Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (GTIB) is a competitive grant and low-interest loan program available to local, regional and state government units as well as CIDs. The GTIB program is administered by the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA). Since 2010 GTIB has awarded $165 million in grants and loans to eligible transportation projects throughout the state.
SRTA is pleased to announce that GTIB will accept applications for up to $15 million in grant and loan funding starting October 1, 2021, through December 15, 2021. Awards are expected to be announced in April or May 2022.
Applicants will need to complete and submit an application and, if applying for a loan, the financial documentation form can be downloaded from SRTA website. Please submit all applications electronically.
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Please contact David Cassell, SRTA Strategic Programs Administrator if you have any questions.