Planners4health Survey
The American Planning Association and American Public Health Association partnered to create the Planners4Health initiative to build local capacity for integrating planning and public health. The Planners4Health initiative marks the three-year culmination of APA’s $9 million Plan4Health program that works to combat two determinants of chronic disease – lack of physical activity and lack of access to nutritious foods. Funding for the initiative is provided through a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Georgia Planners4Health is an initiative sponsored by the Georgia chapter of APA to create stronger, healthier communities. Through this project, GPA will:
- Identify potential partners;
- Leverage existing healthy community initiatives and efforts underway;
- Share planning and public health resources;
- Bring together key stakeholders;
- Identify strategies to promote collaboration.
As reported by GPA members to date, 60% of planners have very limited or no collaboration with local, regional, or state health departments.
We need your help to assess both current practice and future opportunities for collaboration. Click here to take a brief survey. Your responses will help us promote healthy communities across the state! Thank you for your participation.