President’s Message – January 2022
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the season with friends and family.
I’m writing this with my feet up – not because it’s the holidays, but because I’m nursing a broken foot. I don’t enjoy the lack of mobility, but it’s a chance to reflect, and I hope we all take a moment to appreciate the role we play in shaping the places where we work and live. We’re poised for historic investments in infrastructure and the impact will depend on good planning. I look forward to getting to work!
The second year of our state legislative session convenes in January and it will be a busy few months. We’ll continue to promote GPA’s legislative priorities. We’re also tracking federal legislation, including the Build Back Better Act. We join APA in support of the Unlocking Possibilities Program- the biggest single investment in housing planning in decades, providing funding, support, and technical assistance to advance zoning reform.
As we look forward, please join me in welcoming these new GPA Board members:
- Megha Young, Vice President for Chapter Services
- Amanda Hatton, Vice President for Programs
- Marilyn Hall, Secretary
- Karl Smith-Davids, Non-AICP Director at Large
- Erin Thoresen, District 3 Director
GPA exists to support our membership and our profession. This year is an opportunity to reconnect and rebuild even as we face uncertainties.
Get involved: Join a committee to support the work of our organization.
Save the date: April 21-22 is our Spring Conference, which will take on a new format this year, combining virtual sessions and mobile workshops. It’s a great opportunity to showcase planning across the state.
Reach out: Please contact me or your district director if we can support you.
Whitney Shephard, PE
President of the Georgia Chapter of APA