Policy and Advocacy Committee Summer Update
PAC has been meeting monthly since the Georgia General Assembly (GGA) Regular Session ended to stay abreast of state and federal policy initiatives and to monitor policy trends at the local level. Over the past few months, specific PAC initiatives have included the following:
- Monitoring the GGA special subcommittees on Annexation and Building Materials.
- Initiation of a PAC Subcommittee on rental subdivisions, exploring their implications related to zoning and local planning, particularly looking at communities in Georgia where such developments have taken foot.
- Initiation of a PAC Subcommittee on federal transportation policy, which has been monitoring policy development at the federal level and actively engaging with our Georgia delegation to communicate local transportation needs.
- Collaboration with the Legislative Committee of the Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning Association on a joint legislative session for the Joint Fall Conference.
If any of these items peak your interest, please connect with Jim Summerbell to learn more or get involved with the committee’s work. The next committee meeting will be August 6, 2021, 10:00 am.