ArcGIS Desktop II

ArcGIS Desktop software is an integrated system that includes all the tools needed to get the most out of a GIS. This course teaches the range of functionality available in the software and the essential tools for visualizing, creating, managing, and analyzing geographic data. The hands-on course exercises emphasize practice with ArcMap and ArcCatalog (the primary applications included with ArcGIS Desktop software) to perform common GIS tasks and workflows. The tools for creating and managing geographic data, displaying data on maps in different ways, and combining and analyzing data to discover patterns and relationships are highlighted, and you learn how ArcGIS Desktop provides a complete GIS software solution. By the end of the course, you will be prepared to start working with the software on your own.

This three-day course is taught by an ESRI-authorized instructor and will create a framework for becoming a successful ArcGIS Desktop user.

Note: There are only 12 spots in this class. SPACES ARE AVAILABLE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYEES ONLY ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Participants should be proficient in the use of Windows based software.

Course Details

  • Tuesday, August 31-Thursday, September 2, 2010
  • Location: ARC Offices, Downtown Atlanta
  • Cost is $340 and includes breakfast, lunch and all workshop materials.
  • Registration deadline: August 17
  • Online registration:

This course is also offered

  • Monday, December 13- Wednesday, December 15, 2010
  • Location: ARC Offices, Downtown Atlanta
  • Cost is $340 and includes breakfast, lunch and all workshop materials.
  • Registration deadline: November 29
  • Online registration: