Historic Preservation as Sustainable Dev
April 7, 2010; 6:00 pm
Reinsch-Pierce Auditorium
Georgia Tech College of Architecture
245 Fourth Street, Atlanta, Georgia
Free and open to the public
Donovan Rypkema, expert on the economics of Historic Preservation, will be speaking at the Georgia Tech College of Architecture on Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 6:00 pm. His lecture is the Bill Kennedy Memorial lecture funded by the William F. Kennedy, Jr. Memorial Foundation and hosted by Georgia Tech’s School of City and Regional Planning. His lecture will focus on Historic Preservation as Sustainable Development. He writes: “Today the phrases ‘sustainable development’ and ‘green buildings’ are too often used as synonyms in the United States. And while green building technology can be an important contributor to a comprehensive sustainability strategy, it is far from the only element. On an international level the broader concept of sustainable development includes not just environmental responsibility, but also economic and social/cultural responsibility. The rehabilitation and reuse of the historic built environment is perhaps the singular strategy that simultaneously advances all three of the responsibilities of sustainable development.”
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