Happy August Georgia Planners!
Photo from Summer Board Retreat. Front row, left to right: Kristen Wescott, Erin Thoresen, Whitney Shephard, Macon-Bibb Mayor Lester Miller, Gregory Brown. Row 2, left to right: Bridget Lidy, Davina Thomas, Graycen Murray, Megha Young, Tania Leyva. Row 3, left to right: Rachel Martin, Kyethea Clark, Geneasa Elias. Row 4, left to right: Karl Smith-Davids, Marilyn Hall, Cristina Pastore, Jon West. Back row, left to right: Richard Osborne, Sidney Douse, Marc Beechuk.
The GPA Board met for its summer retreat at the Middle Georgia Regional Commission in their beautiful new conference space in the Macon Mall on July 30. Some highlights from the day’s conversation include:
- Augusta, Georgia is looking forward to hosting us all at the Fall Conference, October 9-11, and they have planned for some amazing mobile workshops. You have less than 15 days remaining to submit a session proposal. You also still have time to pick up a copy of Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World by Henry Grabar for the great GPA summer book club. We’ll discuss in Augusta.
- The GPA Elections opened July 31. You should have received an invite from . If not, check your spam filter. On the ballot this summer is the very important position of President-Elect as well as two AICP directors and the even-numbered District Directors. Do your part, Vote Today!
- GPA is in good financial standing and is on-budget with the Spring Conference coming in under budget.
- The GPA LinkedIn Page has nearly 2,800 followers! Please follow us if you haven’t already. Although we have had a strong presence on LinkedIn and Facebook, the Chapter may want to consider adding Instagram, YouTube videos, or TikTok. If any of you have an interest in helping our chapter have a presence on any of these social platforms, please reach out to Megha Young, VP Chapter Services.
- Bridget Lidy, District 9 Director has volunteered to lead a Membership committee. Retaining and recruiting members is one of my top priorities for our Chapter. If you are reading this and are not a member, join today!
- Be on the lookout in September for an update to the Chapter’s bylaws to officially add a Climate Action Committee to our Chapter. Thank you to Marilyn Hall, Secretary, for her work in establishing the Climate Action working group and drafting an update to the bylaws. The bylaws will be up for review and approval at our Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 10.
- For the 2024-2025 school year, GPA will once again be partnering with the accredited schools of planning to welcome in new students at the UGA College of Environment + Design program on August 12 and Georgia Tech School of City and Regional Planning on September 6.
Fall will soon be upon us. Enjoy the last days of summer and get involved. If you’re in Atlanta, I hope to see you at the District 3 event at Sandy Springs on August 15 to talk about safe streets.
Warmest greetings,
Kristen Wescott
GPA President