During the 2022 Model Ordinances Workshop, SGRC staff will be reviewing the following planning topics: Manufactured Housing, Solar Energy, Tiny Houses, EV Infrastructure, Cryptocurrency Mining/Data Centers, Outdoor Restaurant Seating, and Cell Towers.
Registration is now open for The Georgia Academy for Economic Development’s newest courses, “The Essentials” and Advanced Topic Courses focusing on in-depth issues in Housing, Economic Development and Collaboration.
Please join GPA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee for a virtual social hour!Grab your favorite beverage and snack, and get ready to talk EDI! You’ll hear about recent and upcoming efforts of the committee, and then engage with us in an open discussion of what topics related to EDI are of most interest to you.
GPA will be hosting four AICP exam review sessions at our Fall Conference in Columbus, Georgia. All AICP exam sessions will take place on Thursday during the Fall Conference.
Registration is now open for The Georgia Academy for Economic Development’s newest courses, “The Essentials” and Advanced Topic Courses focusing on in-depth issues in Housing, Economic Development and Collaboration.